Am I the right pet for you?

Chinchillas are a really good pet for an older child or young adult. They are timid by nature and cannot cope with rough handling, they need consistent care and can live for up to 20 years if they are well looked after. Chinchillas display a wide range of temperament and disposition. Some animals, no matter how much you handle them, will never become tame pets.

Some will prove to be dull and boring individuals, while images/banner/petcare/chinchilla will try their best to drive you crazy with their ideas of fun and games. They will become friendly and inquisitive through gentle handling. With custom built housing and accessories the initial outlay can be quite expensive. The ongoing financial commitment is not great but they do require time and attention. Chinchillas can be kept alone or in groups.

Where did I come from?

The chinchilla originated in Peru and can be found in the wild from southern Peru and Bolivia, to southern Chile. The chinchilla possess the thickest fur coats of all mammals, which is considered to be highly prized. The fur consist of 80 - 100 hairs per follicle, or 20,000 hairs/cm2. Due to the value of their coats, chinchillas were hunted in South America almost to extinction. The chinchilla is now a protected species in many countries and though controversial, this is partly due to the establishment of fur farms which have helped save these animals from extinction.

Chinchillas have existed in the wild, on ranches and in zoos for many years, however, it is only recently that chinchillas have been considered as pets. These animals are nocturnal but do eventually become quite active during the day. Chinchillas are naturally timid and do not like being handled roughly, they will shed their fur if they are stressed or held tightly. Gentle contact and winning their confidence will eventually result in them sitting on your open hand or allowing light stroking. However, these animals are not normally suitable pets for young children.

How to handle me?

Chinchillas do not like being handled roughly but feel more secure if the grip is firm, hold them firmly under their shoulders and support the weight of the animal with your free hand. Hold the chinchilla close to your chest, facing you, with one hand over it's back and one hand holding the base of the tail gently but firmly. Gradually get the chinchilla used to being picked up and lightly stroked and they will gain confidence.

If they are very lively at first just introduce your hand into the cage for the animal to familiarise itself with you and realise there is no threat. Chinchillas generally do not bite but will not hesitate to do so if it feels threatened.

Where do I like to live?

Chinchillas are part of the rodent family of animals and love to chew everything; it is therefore essential that their cage is made of wire mesh to ensure that it is escape proof. They need a lot of space because they can be very active and need room to exercise. This requires a large cage. The cage should ideally have several levels with a large enclosed nesting box and some bedding inside.

Branches or cuttlebone or chewing stone should always be made available so chinchillas can gnaw to wear down their ever growing teeth. Chinchillas can be trained to urinate(pee) in a pee pan but they will leave their droppings everywhere. The cage must be placed in well ventilated area away from draught, heat, moisture and sunlight.

Chinchillas can withstand the cold but will suffer if the temperature rises above 20C and humidity of about 75%. Chinchilla should be given a volcanic dust(fullers earth) bath every alternate day to keep their fur coat in its prime conditions. The dust bath can either be place directly inside the cage or separately inside an enclosed container. The dust bath should not last longer than 5 minutes to prevent them from urinating inside the dust. Cages and all equipment should be cleaned and disinfected regularly, at least twice a week.

What do I eat?

Good quality chinchilla pellets like Mazuri or American Pet Diner should be provided daily. A daily supply of fresh water should be provided. Fresh green Timothy hay by American Pet Diner or Oxbow should be provided free choice to your chinchilla. All Natural Shredded Wheat and dried fruit(organic dried cranberries) makes ideal treats. Do not feed peanuts or flaked maize as it is too reach in oil. A supplement of grains can be provided as a fur supplement but seek advice from a qualified chinchilla owner. Totoro Supplies has a readily available supply of supplements.

Precaution : DO NOT FEED Nager Malt to your chinchilla as they contain mainly maltose (sugar) and only 4% papaya enzyme.

How do I like to be groomed?

Chinchillas are fastidious and groom themselves continually but once used to handling you can groom the chinchilla to remove bedding and food particles from the coat. Always take care to avoid snagging.


■ Chinchilla breed through the year
■ The female comes into season about every 4 weeks
■ They have an average gestation period of 108 to 118 days
■ With average litters of 1 to 4 kits
■ They are weaned by 12 weeks and reach sexual maturity at about 4 to 18 months depending on the colour and breed.

Special Notes:

Please contact Totoro Supplies at 25354777 for additional information on your pets. We are always there to help answer any of your queries. Alternatively you can check out the links on our website for further information on chinchillas.