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NEPCO Lab Aspen Shavings 8 cu. ft.

NEPCO Lab Aspen Shavings 8 cu. ft.
Views: 10971 Product Code: SKU-237
Availability: In Stock
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Brand Nepco
Country of Origin USA
Animal Suitbility Rabbit/Guinea Pig/Chinchilla/Tortoise/Hamsters/Reptiles

Contact Bedding Processed from Virgin Aspen Hardwood

Compatible with all animals, including transgenic breeds

Heat-treated to reduce bacteria and enhance absorbency

Proven track record of superior performance

Shredded variety is particularly suited for nesting and animal enrichment

Aspirated to remove dust

Regular changing prevents the development of ammonia

Creates a comfortable habitat with a natural appearance

Proven performance for micro-isolator cage systems

• All natural, 100 percent Eco-friendly and biodegradable.